Welcome, Get ready to save and be impressed in our online community!

Welcome to our online community of Deals, offers and Great savings. Get ready to save and be impressed.

We offer a variety of products for all your needs and add them daily. However, Some products have limited availability so please register to our Email Notifications for updates. Get ready to save and be impressed.!

Hi I’m Sherri, Born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I’m the third of 4 children.

Mom worked day and night to provide for her kids and as a result I followed in her footsteps.

In other words working job after job to make sure my kids kept a roof over their heads and food in their mouths. I did this wanting my kids to be proud of me like i’m proud of my mom.

Consequently, full-time and virtual learning don’t work and the kids needed me home.

In short I needed a job that would allow me to stay home and help my kids but, to no avail.

Started to give up, nothing was coming through.

A video grabbed my attention. The focus was to make your time work for you. I clicked on that video and it changed my life forever to sum it up, start investing time into yourself.

GO HERE AND CLICK, Register for updates in the Entry Form directly on the Right.

Favorite finds include: Wine Magic.  You can see that in the Arts & Entertainment Section. This program has endless savings and it adds quality to life today and our future. You will have loads of fun with the countless entertainment.

Save Money With Our Wine Of The Month Club

Yes, you will find that we cover a variety of services from A to Z. We are adding and testing products just for you daily. Thinking of something you need just search in our category list (see to the left)

Paid to Chat

Want to chat and make money? Paid to Chat . From your Family, Colleagues, Friends; well anyone you want to really. And it all begins here. In our online community.

Get paid to chat

Step 1: Download The App

Click “Download Now” and download the app for free.!

get paid to chat
Get paid to chat

Step 2: Chat and Start Making Money

Install the Prime One Chat App and start using it to communicate with all your friends and family hence, Money for your usage!

Our Online Community Thanks you for visiting

If you cant find it in the store we have already found it for you. You will want to bookmark our page, and keep checking as we add things frequently. We have an amazing e-newsletter that we send updates and key information on amazing deals. No need to worry about us selling or sharing your info. We appreciate you being a part of our online community, and look forward to years of being an information source for you, your family and friends.